Monday, April 30, 2012

LeBron James vs. Michael Jordan

          My favorite sports related entertainer has to be Lebron James. As far entertainment and basketball go he is as good as it gets. There is no other athlete in the NBA who is involved with endorsements and advertising as much as he is. He also is the most exciting player in the NBA.
       Lebron is, in my opinion, the new age Jordan. Now I’m not saying that he is the next Michael Jordan or as good as a player as he was, what I mean is that he basically is in the same role that Jordan was when he played. They both are regarded as the best player in the NBA at their time. They both are in tons of commercials. They both have multiple versions of their own shoes.
          The only difference is the change in times. For instance, Jordan didn’t have Twitter and Facebook to broadcast/promote himself as Lebron does. Another difference between the two is that Jordan was adored by everyone and Lebron has just as many people hate him as that loves him.

           He has accepted this though and has not sold out so everyone will like him. One thing is for certain though is everyone does respects his talent. Nobody can deny that he is a great player and I think that Lebron knows that. All athletes will tell you they want to be known as the best at what they do, not to be the most loved athlete. 

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